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Grace Quotes

I hope you find value in these encouraging quotes about Grace.

Just when the caterpillar thought
the world was over, it became a butterfly.
- Anonymous

Related topics: Inspirational Spiritual Live-By Miracle Miracles

This day boldness is manifested in a simple grace: gratitude.
- Mary Anne Radmacher

I give thanks for the blessings of this food
as a symbol of my gratitude
for all the manifold blessings of this life.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

One must know not just how to accept a gift,
but with what grace to share it.
- Maya Angelou

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Thank You,
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Grace defies reason and logic.
- Bono

As we join hands in fellowship
around this bountiful table,
we give thanks for the blessings of this food
and the love of these friends
as a symbol of our gratitude
for all the manifold blessings of this life.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

I'm becoming more and more myself with time.
I guess that's what grace is.
The refinement of your soul through time.
- Jewel


You manage things, you lead people.
- Grace Hopper

Grace has been defined as the outward expression
of the inward harmony of the soul.
- William Hazlitt

The will of God will never take you
to where the grace of God will not protect you.
- Anonymous

Don't try to manage people;
You manage things; You lead people.
- Grace Hopper

The signs of outstanding leadership
appear primarily among the followers.
Are the followers reaching their potential?
Are they learning? Serving?
Do they achieve the required results?
Do they change with grace? Manage conflict?
- Max De Pree

Count your blessings. Once you realize
how valuable you are and how much you have going for you,
the smiles will return, the sun will break out,
the music will play, and you will finally
be able to move forward the life that God intended
for you with grace, strength, courage, and confidence.
- Og Mandino

Life is a gift, and I try to respond with grace and courtesy.
- Maya Angelou

Grace isn't just a little prayer
you say before receiving a meal.
It's a way to live.
- Jackie Windspear

Gardening is an instrument of grace.
- May Sarton

There are nine requisites for contented living:
HEALTH enough to make work a pleasure;
WEALTH enough to support your needs;
STRENGTH enough to battle with difficulties and forsake them;
GRACE enough to confess your sins and overcome them;
PATIENCE enough to toil until some good is accomplished;
CHARITY enough to see some good in your neighbor;
LOVE enough to move you to be useful and helpful to others;
FAITH enough to make real the things of God;
HOPE enough to remove all anxious fears concerning the future.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I recognize the delivery of grace to my day,
even if I cannot identify a specific return address.
- Mary Anne Radmacher

It is often easier to ask for forgiveness
than to ask for permission.
- Grace Hopper

Play to win, but be a good loser.
Have a plan for your life,
but accept whatever comes your way
with grace and gratitude.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

One accurate measurement is worth a thousand expert opinions.
- Grace Hopper

I know, to banish anger altogether
from one's breast is a difficult task.
It cannot be achieved through pure personal effort.
It can be done only by God's grace.
- Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi

The winds of grace are always blowing;
all we need to do is raise our sails.
- Anonymous

If it's a good idea, go ahead and do it.
It is much easier to apologize than it is to get permission.
- Grace Hopper

The most dangerous phrase in the language is,
"We've always done it this way."
- Grace Hopper

A ship in port is safe,
but that's not what ships are built for.
Sail out to sea and do new things.
- Grace Hopper

Your worst days are never so bad
that you are beyond the reach of God's grace.
And your best days are never so good
that you are beyond the need of God's grace.
- Anonymous

Faith is a living and unshakable confidence,
a belief in the grace of God so assured that
a man would die a thousand deaths for its sake.
- Martin Luther

Youth, large, lusty, loving -
Youth, full of grace, force, fascination.
Do you know that Old Age may come after you
with equal grace, force, fascination?
- Walt Whitman

Above all the grace and the gifts
that Christ gives to his beloved
is that of overcoming self.
- St. Francis of Assisi

Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed.
Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute
with love, grace, and gratitude.
- Denis Waitley

Beauty without grace is the hook without the bait.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

For food that stays our hunger,
For rest that brings us ease,
For homes where memories linger,
We give our thanks for these.
- Anonymous

I look forward to an America which
will not be afraid of grace and beauty.
- John F. Kennedy

Humans are allergic to change.
They love to say, "We've always done it this way."
- Grace Hopper

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of every day's
Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love with a passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, - I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life! - and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.
- Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Everything that slows us down and forces patience,
everything that sets us back into the slow circles of nature,
is a help. Gardening is an instrument of grace.
- May Sarton

I feel the same way about solitude as some people
feel about the blessing of the church.
It's the light of grace for me.
I never close my door behind me without the awareness
that I am carrying out an act of mercy toward myself.
- Peter Hoeg

I live in my own place -
have never copied anyone even half,
and at any master who lacks the grace -
to laugh at himself - I laugh.
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Oh, you weak, beautiful people
who give up with such grace.
What you need is someone to take hold of you -
gently, with love, and hand your life back to you.
- Tennessee Williams

When you are old and grey and full of sleep,
And nodding by the fire, take down this book,
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;
How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true,
But one man loved the pilgrim Soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face;
And bending down beside the glowing bars,
Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled
And paced upon the mountains overhead
And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.
- William Butler Yeats

A wedding is just like a funeral
except that you get to smell your own flowers.
- Grace Hansen

The effort to understand the universe is one
of the very few things that lifts human life
a little above the level of farce,
and gives it some of the grace of tragedy.
- Steven Weinberg

If you do something once,
people will call it an accident.
If you do it twice, t
hey call it a coincidence.
But do it a third time, and
you've just proven a natural law.
- Grace Hopper

Let us touch the dying, the poor,
the lonely and the unwanted
according to the graces we have received
and let us not be ashamed
or slow to do the humble work.
- Mother Teresa

Like a Dolphin, I am Graceful, Powerful, and Compassionate.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

There's a trick to the Graceful Exit.
It begins with the vision to recognize when a job, a life stage,
a relationship is over - and to let go.
It means leaving what's over without denying its value.
- Ellen Goodman

Anger is like a thorn in the heart.
- Yiddish Proverb

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal
with the intent of throwing it at someone else;
you are the one who gets burned.
- The Buddha

Time, like life itself, has no inherent meaning.
We give our own meaning to time as to life.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

We are most like God when we forgive.
- Anonymous

Man's enemies are not demons, but human beings like himself.
- Lao Tzu

Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates.
You never know what you're gonna get.
- the movie Forrest Gump

Just stop it. Seriously.
Whatever it is. Just stop it.
If only for an hour, a day, a week.
Stop doing it long enough to get a glimpse
of what the change would actually look like.
- Mary Anne Radmacher

Minds are like parachutes.
They only function when they are open.
- James Dewar

Time expands like a brightly colored balloon
when it is filled with joy.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Success has a simple formula:
do your best, and people may like it.
- Sam Ewing

Life is like a ten speed bicycle.
Most of us have gears we never use.
- Charles M. Schulz

Find your balance and stand with it.
Find your song and sing it out.
Find your cadence and let it appear like a dance.
Find the questions that only you know how to ask and
The answers that you are content to not know.
- Mary Anne Radmacher

If I try to be like him, who will be like me?
- Yiddish proverb

Kindness, like a boomerang, always returns.
- Anonymous

Like Beauty, Joy and Suffering are
in the Eye of the Beholder.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

People are like stained glass windows,
they sparkle and shine when the sun is out,
but when darkness sets in their true beauty
is revealed only if there is a light from within.
- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Leaders aren't born they are made.
And they are made just like anything else, through hard work.
And that's the price we'll have to pay
to achieve that goal, or any goal.
- Vince Lombardi

We have only this moment,
sparkling like a star in our hand -
and melting like a snowflake.
- Marie B. Ray

Life is like a box of chocolates.
- Forrest Gump

If you think you are beaten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you don't.
If you'd like to win, but think you can't
It's almost a cinch you won't.
Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man;
But soon or late the man who wins is the one who thinks he can.
- Anonymous

Our deepest fears are like dragons
guarding our deepest treasure.
- Rainer Maria Rilke

Worrying is like a rocking chair,
it gives you something to do,
but it gets you nowhere.
- Glenn Turner

Celebrate! Celebration is an expression of Gratitude.
Gratitude is like the prayer, while
Celebration is the hymn and sacred dance.
Celebration is its own road to happiness.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Dance like no one is watching,
love like you'll never be hurt.
Sing like no one is listening.
Live life like it's heaven on earth.
- Anonymous (various attributions and alternate phrasings)

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May the world be kind to you,
and may your own thoughts be gentle upon yourself.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

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